next: 2 school....

Heii....b'lik lg ama Lia... nii hr t'rakhir l'bur.....

gk terasa yaa....

rasaX br kemaren aQ kena mrh gara2 rank 18.....^.^

ehh...skrg udah brsbrs buku ajj...hehe

tw gk kemaren aQ namatin 1 novel yg SUMPAH m'nurut gw keren...

JudulX: Victory | By: Luna Torashyngu[Buseet nmX susah yach...d' bc: Luna Tora-Shi-Ngu|apkh hrs???]

jd critaX ad kakak br adek tiri Oti and Raka...

Oti Tomboy abiess....and Cuek2 g'to k' raka...

and then Rk jg cuek2 gmnn....gtu k' Oti....

Busett...Raka BeTe bgt ad Oti....

ntah2 gmn asal mu'asalX.....Mereka jd suka....then off course you know lhaa apa yg terjd....Dan tentu syp ajj yg d'mrhin ama pa2X raka n' Oti....

aaah...jgn lhaa aQ bocorin.....hehe...[koQ b'rasa kyk promosi aQ nge-fans looh ama Luna Torashyngu....kereen...apalagi trilogi d'angel...buseet keren dah...]

Btw I guess that's all.......

See ya'..........................................................

Happy 2nd day of 2009...

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" H A P P Y. N E W. Y E A R. 2 0 0 9."
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

that's all I can say...
mengingat k'maren aQ gk OL or ngisi Blog...[gk mood sich...Blame My mood...]
I hope 2009 is a better year for me and ya' all......
here's my hope list 4 2009:
1. I wish I have the best 12's b'day ever...
2. I wish I more Smarter
3. I wish I have a new laptop w/ Vista on it...[WHAT!!!CAN'T I WISH!!!]
4. I wish My collection grow...[I CAN WISH AM I!!!???]
5. I wish I have more true and best friends...
6. I wish I have more FUN!!!
7. I wish I could past UASBN with a good grade
8. I wish I could pass 2 SMP
9. I wish If there is MOS it's not hard 4 me...>.10. I wish I'm not that horny...

That is 10 wish 4 2009...

I always pray so those wish came true...T.T